教師節是Teacher’s Day 還是Teachers’ Day?
“Happy Teacher’s Day” or “Happy Teachers’ Day”? I
was asked the question the other day.
前天有人問我,到底是“Happy Teacher’s Day” 還是 “Happy
Teachers’ Day”?
根據9/28/2012 Google搜尋的結果如下:
Here’s my findings: (Google Search as of Sept 28,
Teachers' Day" 約有 1,610,000 項結果
Teacher’s Day" 約有 438,000 項結果
Teachers' Day" site:us 約有 5,400 項結果
Teacher’s Day" site:us 約有 536 項結果
Teachers' Day" site:uk 約有 6,950 項結果
Teacher’s Day" site:uk 約有 2,360 項結果
由上可知,雖然兩者皆可,但習慣上會說Teachers' Day
維基百科的詞目也提到世界教師節是 “World Teachers' Day”
Teachers' Day
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In many countries, Teachers' Days are
intended to be special days for the appreciation of teachers, and may include
celebrations to honor them for their special contributions in a particular
field area, or the community in general. The date on which Teachers' day is
celebrated varies from country to country. Teachers' days are distinct from World Teachers' Day which is officially
celebrated across the world on Oct 5[1].
So, I’d recommend using “Happy Teachers’ Day!”
因此,我建議使用 “Happy Teachers’ Day!”