「新聞跑馬燈」是在電視畫面底下一橫條,滑動顯示頭條新聞、股市、比賽最新動態或新聞提要的文字。英文這叫chyron或news ticker。
Merriam-Webster對chyron 的定義如下:
chyron / ˈkaɪ
rɒn/ :
a caption superimposed over usually the lower part of a video image (as during
a news broadcast)
「新聞跑馬燈」是 1970年代Chyron公司為廣播業研發的滑動圖案文字顯示器,因此廣播新聞業就把它稱為chyron。
根據Merriam-Webster的統計 (Updated on 20 Jan 2018),這詞的普及程度是: Top 30% of words,台灣的讀者可能會覺得令人難以置信。不過就最近的新聞報導,chyron可算是新聞常用詞,見以下3例:
"U.S. Government Hours Away From
Shutdown," heralded the chyron
“NYT Runs Letters From Trump Supporters 'In The Spirit of Open Debate'” was the
chyron across the screen....;Fox News made a chyron error on Thursday that is
getting some mockery on social media. (Jerome
Su, Jan 22, 2018)
〈談文論譯〉局部麻醉與「*非常在地化」的汙染案 蘇正隆
回覆刪除有過麻醉經驗的人大概都知道有全身麻醉 (general anesthesia),半身麻醉 (regional anesthesia),和局部麻醉 (local anesthesia)。
Radioactive uranium has leaked through the floor at the Westinghouse fuel factory…, contaminating the soil … NRC records show uranium pollution reached 4,000 parts per million in the soil beneath the plant … 1,300 times higher than the amount of uranium typically found in soil … Roger Hannah, a spokesman for the NRC in Atlanta, said it does not appear the uranium has spread off the site, calling the contamination “very localized.’’ But he said the agency is investigating to learn more... “Radioactive pollution leaked through floor of SC nuclear fuel plant” The State (July 24, 2018, Updated July 25, 2018)
《中時電子報》的譯文有兩個問題,the NRC in Atlanta不是「亞特蘭大市核能規範委員會」,而是NRC (美國核能管理委員會)設在亞特蘭大市的區域分署,負責東南12州的核能管理 (The NRC territory is broken down into four geographical regions; Region II, located in Atlanta, Georgia, oversees most of the southeastern states.)
其次,「*非常在地化」的汙染案,中文習慣的說法是「很局部」、「非常局部」的汙染案。(Jerome Su, July 27, 2018)